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.......she captured our trip on film

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Abe's Story

It occurred to me that if you are new to the blog you might not know Abe's story. We traveled to Ethiopia to pick up Abe in August 2008. He was 5 1/2 months old at the time. He was 13 lbs and beautiful. He didn't have head control, but we attributed that to being in an orphanage his entire life. (video below of that amazing day)

We came home and were thrilled to introduce him to our world. We thought he would begin to progress rapidly once he was home and that simply wasn't the case. We were referred to ECI (Early Childhood Intervention), then to a neurologist and then on November 6th he had an MRI. That is the day that forever changed our lives. You can read the post we did that day here.

He began physical, occupational and speech therapy. There are several videos of progress and therapy--though it take place very slowly.  You can search ABE UPDATE to read and see his progress.  (I will link several videos at end of page)

Life with a child that can't speak, walk or even feed himself isn't easy, but it is good.  We have never felt a more tangible Presence of the Lord, never seen Him more clearly, never been more challenged, encouraged, held up, supported, and loved as we have since Abe came into our family.  To watch my older kids with him would make you cry, at least it does me, often.  They love him fiercely and are so proud of all of his accomplishments.  You can hear them cheer him on here as he was testing out some new equipement and on most videos of Abe. :)

He has a smile that will light up a room and he quickly lets you know if you are one of "his".  He can laugh with the best of them and loves Elmo, his siblings, music and simply enjoys life.  He has taught me so much about slowing down, simplifying and loving each moment.  

We are richly blessed to have this little guy as our own.  We would appreciate continued prayers as the Lord continues to miraculously reconnect wires that simply weren't there to begin he is missing his entire frontal lobe, the doctors stand amazed at what he can do, tract perfectly with his eyes, his hearing is awesome, he is gaining strength in his head and trunk, though he still has a ways to go.  We simply rest that he is on his own time table and we delight to see him progress before our eyes.  We invite you to join along and witness with us.

Video of day we met our angel!

Abe videos:
1st birthday
therapy update
our own little Rocky Balboa
faith leaper
abe update

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"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from becoming polluted by the world." James 1:27
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