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Thursday, May 22, 2008


"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

This is a verse that my sister gave to me last week.  It has given me comfort as I am reminded that my finite mind can't begin to comprehend the mind of the Lord.  We don't see the big picture, but He does.  We also know that we may not have any more clarity this side of heaven, but that too is o.k.  We are humbled by His sustaining grace through this difficult season. 

We took last weekend "off" as a family.  Moody had a business trip that he cancelled, we told the boys baseball coaches they wouldn't be there to play and we took off for the ranch.  It was so good to be together as a family in the quiet of the country.  It gave us time to think, pray and talk about what to do next.

We trust in the Lord and know that He will make this path clear for our family!

We are rejoicing with the Fournet family! They received their referral yesterday for 11 month old twins. :)


the Steiger's said...

I am so glad you were able to take some time off.
love, Lenka

Rebecca said...

You have the cutest family!

Glad you all were able to take some time off and spend some time together. Looks like so much fun!

Laurzie said...

I'm so glad that you all got away together. I hope it was a very restorative time, my friend. Praying for you...

Ellen said...

I love the picture of the kids in the creek! Glad ya'll had a good time at the "farm!"

Nicholas said...

Oh I love that you got away, it looks like a wonderful peaceful place to unwrap your heads... your family is precious!

Hugs from NH...

Jess said...

I am so glad you got this time together with your family.

I'm praying for your next steps.

HoodMama said...

What a blessing to get away and be able to truly be still with your fam. Love you.

HoodMama said...

What a blessing to get away and be able to truly be still with your fam. Love you.

Evelyn said...

What a good thing you guys did ... get away, regroup, etc.! Sounds like you are great parents!

Holli said...

God told Mosses to go to Pharaoh and say let my people go. Pharaoh said no and made it worse for Gods people. God told Mosses to ask again and yet again it got worse.
Last night as I heard this story at small group I thought of you/your family. I can't imagine how Moses was feeling - God but you said....
God told you to adopt and it is His will and just like Moses you are doing what he asks but keep being told no. Just like Moses God seems to be growing your faith! and like you said God has the big picture and his plan will all come together!
I love you and never met you. My heart aches for you and we continue to pray for you all!
Much love Holli

Anonymous said...



Shannon and Brett Hilliard said...

Hey Guys,

That looks so peaceful...
so Crawford, Texas!!!
I have a crazy idea..
come for a long weekend and celebrate your anniversary and Moody's birthday.
Just hop on a plane and come to Hong Kong... we will pray, EAT, shop, have foot massages...swim in the South China sea...
I am serious...your babies will come soon and you will not have an opportunity...although we would love to be a BIG field trip for the
Alexander Eight!!!
Sorry to be so public don't have your email Emily and know Moody is not a big email guy. And now everyone knows it is Moody's birthday soooon=)And perhaps people will offer to help with H,W,A and I.
think about it,
shannon and brett

A Team said...

I have been thinking so much about you tonight... a lot tonight!
Just wondering how you were doing. I was so glad to get on-line and see your blog.

You family looks absolutely precious!

Great idea to get away together!

Love u

Anonymous said...

Your favorite sitter is back in Tejas and would love to help with H,W,A and I, so you guys can take up the Hilliards on the south china sea swims :) Missed you guys

Ellen said...

I'm now convinced that Sonic is what keeps us together... We never see you guys because of Sunday baseball. Thanks for the adoption update this afternoon, though. I hope those agencies get things figured out soon! Have fun with the cousins! Until next happy hour...

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and praying for the Lord to make His ways clear to you & your family.

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"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from becoming polluted by the world." James 1:27
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